Entrance Apply Now
Pushpalal Chowk,Biratnagar
+977-21-590962, 590423

Opening Hour

Sun -Fri, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Dr. Sandesh Das Shrestha

Dr. Sandesh Das Shrestha

Welcome to the Faculty of Management. We feel this is an exciting time of academic revival within our colleges and schools under the FOM. The FOM leads the University in research activities, is second in student enrollment, and is integral to the University’s past successes and future directions.
Our priority will be to create graduates to solve today’s problem of society, be a great manager, be a great entrepreneur who excels in whatever or wherever they work.
To make FOM, PU a successful faculty, we have to excel in few indicators- rise in enrollment, rise in the employability of our students, rise in research activities, rise in achievements of our students, and faculties. Our focus will be to help achieve these through our colleges and schools.
The FOM will help develop skills and experiences for faculties in the area of research, modern teaching pedagogy through appropriate training and workshops. We plan to reach out to other Universities, Departments, and Institutions to help grow in the area of Management through mutual activities of faculties and student exchanges, collaborative research, and joint programs.
If you are an alumnus, institutions, agencies, or a member of the business community seeking to make a difference; we encourage you to contact the Dean’s Office to explore how you can help us reach our destination.